*DISCLAIMER:Everything below is my personal view on things that is fueled by something that is happening in my life right now, please do not take anything offensively as it's really just me venting at 12:00 A.M*
Things don't always work the way we would like them too. Life is full of things that can happen at a moments notice. It doesn't matter that it may be good or bad, it's not set in stone. You can turn a bad situation into a good one and vice versa. Now, that's just my logic and philosophy in life and people have always told me that I'm more mature than the average person my age. Despite that I feel that everyone can benefit from this. I'm mostly saying this right now to vent my feeling of something going on in my life right now. I'm personally tired of people not being able to fix their problems themselves sometimes, I don't mind if you need my advice, but I'm tired of refereeing fights between people, that doesn't mean I'll stop though. I just wish people would think of others in situations instead of just themselves, it makes no sense to me why you wouldn't. It's ok if things don't work out, if someone rejects you or something that you've done, if you fail at something. The world won't end if that happens you grow as a person depending on your actions. It's the way of humans to make mistakes and grow from them not digress. Things are going to be tough, but all you can do is go forward. Life is a race, and do you want to run from the race? Or are you going to run toward it? I choose to run at life and whatever it could possibly throw at me; it's the goal of many people, spirits, the devil, whatever you believe to be a negative force in your life, to try to make you believe that you can't succeed in anything. All I can say to you is that it's your choice weather you let that happen or choose to move forward in your life. I've been to rock bottom, it's a scary thing, but don't let it control you. To take a quote from one of my favorite movies, "It's not who you are, but what you do that defines you." And also another quote that has meant a lot to me, "You gain strength, courage and, confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face"-Eleanor Roosevelt